A vile concoction of death metal is upon us, emerging from the crypts of Germany to unleash a rancid fusion of zombified grooves and rotting riffs. “Impaled to Rot“, the new brutal split-7“ from CORPSEROT and EXCAVED, marks the unholy alliance between two of the underground’s most festering forces.
On one side, CORPSEROT brings their rancid grooves to life. Founded in 2020 by Olli and Konrad and completed by Tobi and Toni in 2022, this quartet delivers a pummeling, groove-laden brand of death metal that reeks of decay. Their sound is a stinking slab of rancid riffing and rhythmic rot, destined to drag you into the depths of the grave.
On the flip, EXCAVED – a fresh four-piece force – oozes with putrid charm, blending horror-themed death metal with an infectious energy that will zombify your mind. Their morbidly addictive sound is steeped in the grim essence of classic horror, conjuring the very dead to rise in a frenzy of headbanging fury.
Both bands showcase their distinct takes on death metal, uniting in a splattering display of old-school violence and monstrous hooks. The four tracks from CORPSEROT and EXCAVED offer a sonic disembowelment like no other – where zombifying death metal horror meets raw, groove-infested filth.
The split will be released on 4th October 2024 but will be available on their upcoming “Impaled To Rot” tour in an band exclusive vinyl colour variant already:
2024.09.30, GER/Hildesheim @ Thav
2024.10.01, GER/Braunschweig @ KufA
2024.10.02, GER/Rostock @ Neue Zuckerfabrik
2024.10.03, GER/Berlin @ komaF
2024.10.04, GER/Hof @ Wiesla Rock Club
2024.10.05, GER/Weimar @ Gerber 3

Artwork by Slimeweaver.
Layout by FINAdesigns.