Das Konzert fällt leider aus! Bitte informiert eure Freunde, besonders jene ohne Facebook-Account darüber.
Aufgrund der Wettersituation in Mexiko (Hurricane) wurden und werden Flüge gestrichen bzw. verschoben. Leider auch Flüge der Musiker. Ein Teil der Bands wird nicht rechtzeitig eintreffen können.
Sehr schade – es wird hoffentlich eine Wiederholung geben!
ESCARNIUM statement
Posted on their Facebook-Page 6th September 2017 21:02 h
We sadly need to cancel our first gig tomorrow in Wolfsburg,
The reason is that our drummer (Led Sanches) Still on the México Airport due to climate issues. ..
The mídia Didn’t Gave attention but México, is also having a lot of problems as Texas. ..
The Airport stayed closed for all the weekend, under the water. Many flights have canceled, and now the situation are completely chaotic overthere.
We sadly apologies all of you who have intention to go to Wolfsburg to see us, hacavitz and demored. we always had good gigs Here.
And we really want to say Thanks to Steffen, the promoter. He have being given us a lot attention and support.
We hope to see you soon as possible.
Am Donnerstag, den 7. September 2017 im s.v. Jugendhaus Ost in Wolfsburg:
ESCARNIUM (Death Metal / Salvador, BRA)
HACAVITZ (Black/Death Metal / Querétaro, MEX)
DEMORED (Death Metal / Braunschweig, GER)
Start: 19:00
Abendkasse: 10 EUR
Facebook event page